Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Share your story!

Since my last blog was more of a 'novel,' I'll make this one short and sweet. As a chronic illness fighter or what some call a 'spoonie,' I often find inspiration in the stories of others who are fighting similar battles. 

Sometimes reading through these journeys is just enough to get you fired up for another day and motivated because of the words of another sufferers story. I truly believe that it keeps me positive knowing I am not alone and genuinely supported.

With that said I would like to start featuring a story weekly. This will mark the beginning of my "Pelvic Pain heard around the world" project. If you're interested in sharing your story in living with any chronic pelvic pain disorder please feel free to email me at  Whether you're local or out of state, your story matters, so share away :)

I do ask that the story be kept to no more than 2 pages typed and i'd love if you could include a photo with it! Whatever you'd like to include, including inspiration and also whatever you'd tell a newbie dealing with a similar condition struggling with journey.

Like a quilt, each square, tightly stitched together, is then sewed together, creating a beautiful piece of work, much like our stories; connecting us together as warriors of these conditions.

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