Friday, April 27, 2012

Feel an IC flare coming on? Have no fear, there's a survival guide!

It happens all the time, out of the blue your IC starts rearing its ugly head and your first thoughts are usually "Uh oh it's another IC flare!" Trust me i've been there many times and so have many others. Although it has to run its course, there are ways to try to combat the pain that you can do for yourself. 

Here are 10 quick tips that I have come up with and heard over the past few years that have helped allieviate some of the pain associated with a flare. In the comment section feel free to add your "emergency tips"

1. First and foremost, chances are when you're in a flare, often times you find yourself in a completely vulnerable state due to the pain. Therefore, its very important to recognize your needs and be extremely careful with yourself. I can't count the times that I have tried to push myself through the pain and only ended up making things worse.

2. When you recognize a flare coming on, which chances are you know exactly what i'm talking about, more trips to the restroom, more burning, low dull backache, the "IC belly" get the point. What I usually do and suggest is sticking firm to the diet because like I mentioned in the previous IC diet blog, eating acidic foods is basically like pouring acid on an already sick bladder. So be kind to your bladders especially during a flare.

3. I have had a lot of men/women tell me that drinking baking soda in water helps with a flare? Some people swear by, It can't hurt right? But again its whatever YOU are comfortable doing. Others treat themselves to a cup of hot marshmallow root tea (i'm not fond of the taste myself, but hey if it helps than why not?)

4. Taking warm showers/hot baths(now if you're prone to UTI's than a sitz bath might be better)

5. Alternate between heat and ice. Personally, I find that heat helps with the inflammation, I use a flaxseed heating pad that I mentioned in a previous blog.

6. Drink lots of water, I know for me that the more I dilute my urine the less acidic it will be when I go to void. Also make sure you're drinking the most alkaline water you can find, I know when I was first diagnosed I thought "water was water" BUT boy was I wrong. Did you know water can be acidic?! Well I sure didn't until I started reading into the IC Diet. When you're looking for a water, look for a higher pH level anything with a 7 or above is good. Also make sure its "Natural Spring Water," because with most other waters they sometimes like sneak in additives such as potassium such as in Smart Water, which flares me like not other. I know I must sound completely OCD about this stuff, but I promise you that others out there can vouch for this theory. I will write more about water in a separate blog, but for now stick with brands like Fiji, Evian, Whole Foods 365 brand, Poland Spring or even use a Brita water filter, maybe one of those reverse osmosis (which I would love, but I heard they can be $$$) I plan on writing another blog just on water so look out for that.

7. I know when I am in horrendous pain I want immediate relief, meaning I take the medications prescribed by my Doctor to help with the pain. It's important to stay on top of the pain, rather than trying to convince yourself that it's going to go away in an hour or so. Therefore, when the pain first hits I do take my Rx meds, which is part of surviving an IC flare for me personally. Now if you're one who isn't a fan of taking prescription medications and rely on OTC medications like Tylenol or Ibuprofen,  I will warn you that I have been told by numerous doctors that NSAIDS are an irritant to those have IC. But if you don't have an issue with them, than do what works for you.

8. If you're having trouble voiding, struggling with retention I have come up with several ways to deal with this WITHOUT straining. My previous PT told me to sit backwards which takes pressure on your pelvic and bladder. I also try to make sure that I am not tensing up, slowly relaxing your muscle. Breathing exercises help to. I know it might seem a lot to be doing while you're struggling to simply void, but whatever it takes right? Especially so you don't have to end up catheterizing yourself if that is something that you struggle with like me...Ick!

9. Try not to ball up in the "fetal position" which often times is a natural response when you're dealing with pelvic pain. Instead try to relax in a comfortable laying down position, where your pelvis is not cramped up. I can't tell you how many times my previous PT would say to me "you must spend a lot of time in the fetal position, I can tell!" I was always puzzled by this, but then she explained that my posture has a lot to do with this. It's amazing what you can learn from this disease, it kind of helps you start to understand your body more and listen to the subtle ques you missed before.

10. This last one is probably obvious, but I can't say it enough...Rest, Rest, Rest!

*Disclaimer: I don't endorse any of the products mentioned, nor am I am medical doctor. This is just one IC patient helping another :) *

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